The land where dreams come true

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What will you do if your old computer has reached the end of its useful life? Disposing of obsolete and old electronic items can be difficult and doing this in an inappropriate manner can be hazardous to the environment. Electronic waste includes all outdated, unusable, obsolete, and broken electronic devices, materials, and components. Disposing...

The never ending need for possessing high-tech products has resulted in a huge amount of electronic waste. Electronic waste or e-waste is a term used for multiple kinds of electronic and electrical equipment that are old or obsolete and do not serve any purpose now. Owing to its rising toxicity and quantity, e-waste has become a global pandemic....

Owing to the diminished lifespan of our electronics and the growing demands of the society for new and improved electronic products, e-waste has become the fastest growing stream of waste. According to an estimate by The Environmental Protection Agency, only fifteen to twenty percent of electronic waste is recycled and the rest ends up in landfills...

For businesses, it is very important to regularly clear electronic devices. Not recycling them timely can reduce the security levels. Many businesses that have not increased the security levels are facing issues related to a data breach. Storage devices like hard drives and pen drives have a certain age. After completion of this age, individuals...

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